Research Group Translational Metabolism Research

Obesity Research

German version

The focus of Dr. Ruth Hanßen's research group is on investigating the causes of metabolic diseases, in particular overweight and obesity, as well as improving and developing new treatment options for long-term weight reduction. Although lack of exercise and excessive food intake have long been known to be the main causes of obesity, conservative approaches to weight reduction based on changes in eating and exercise behavior are only successful in the long term in around 17% to 20% of patients. To date, the mechanisms at the neurobiological, endocrinological, immunological and genetic/epigenetic level, that lead to sustained weight loss and improvement of obesity-associated diseases, are still insufficiently understood. Our research group works on disentangling these mechanisms in humans focusing on body-brain interactions and translating the latest basic scientific findings from cell/animal studies to humans and clinical application. Our aim is to develop personalized and sustainable treatment options for patients with obesity.

Dr. Ruth Hanßen

Head of research group

Dr. med. Ruth Hanßen studied human medicine at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich from 2007 to 2014. She completed her doctorate on the subject of cholesterol metabolism at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in 2015 based on research work at Stanford University, USA.  

Since 2014, Dr. Hanßen has been working as a physician at the Polyclinic for Endocrinology, Diabetology and Preventive Medicine under the direction of Prof. Brüning, while also working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research in Prof. Dr. Tittgemeyer's group. For her work on metabolic regulation of various behaviors - in particular eating behavior, motivation and learning behavior- she received the Karl Oberdisse Prize from the North Rhine-Westphalian Society for Endocrinology and Diabetology and the Ernst and Berta Scharrer Prize from the German Society for Endocrinology for her work.  

Since 2023 Dr. Hanßen supervises the obesity clinics within the PEDP as senior consultant and is speaker of the Center for Rare Obesity Forms and Metabolic Disorders. 

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Clinician Scientists and Study Investigators:  

Dr. Julia Wille, Studienärztin 

Dr. Alina Kretschmer, Studienärztin 

Eva von Gablenz, Clinician Scientist 

Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Sita Arjune, Clinician Scientist  

Study Nurse Team: 

Malwina Hranischmacher, Studienassistentin 

Sabina Topoloaga, Studienassistentin  

PhD and MD Students:  

Kinga Bik-Multanowska, PhD student 

Irene Bertonazzi, MD student 

Hanna Hoin, MD student 

Rebecca Klein, MD student 

Therapist team: 

Heike Güdelhöfer, Dietitican 

Susanne Meurer, Sports scientist 

Dr. Clare Abbenhardt-Martin, Ecotrophologist 

Doris Kuhlmann, Dietitican 

Dr. Annika Diekmann, Psychotherapist  

Student assistants: 

Louis Tucholski, Student assistant  

Thyra Fritz, Student assistant 

Felicitas Brock, Student assistant